COMMUNITY MEETINGConcerned members of Mason Square areinvited to a community meeting to address the issues currentlysurrounding the Dunbar YMCA Family & Community Center.Joining us will be Kirk Smith, President & CEO of the YMCAof Greater Springfield and Victor Woolridge, Immediate Past Chair of the Dunbar, Inc. Board of Directors. In addition, we’ll be joined by…

United Way Day of Caring Photos 2014
United Way Day of Caring is the largest day of volunteering in the Pioneer Valley. We would like to thank all the companies that participated at the YMCA of greater Springfield locations. We appreciate you!

5K & 10K Roller to Benefit the YMCA of Greater Springfield
5K & 10K Roller Coaster Race Benefits YMCA of Greater Springfield!Volunteers Needed! http://rollercoasterrace.com/races/springfield-ma-5k-10k/

Listen Up! – Kirk shares the Y's impact on Mason Square community
Kirk Smith, President & CEO of the YMCA of Greater Springfield, accepted an invitation to join Rev. Talbert Swan on his radio program on WTCC (90.7) earlier this week, where the topic of conversation was the Dunbar YMCA Family & Community Center. Kirk highlighted the Y’s involvement and the impact that the Y has had on the Mason Square…