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Call 413.739.6951 for more information about memberships and summer day programs!


Our mission is to serve the human needs in greater Springfield by providing programs that promote lifelong personal growth and the balanced development of spirit, mind and body for all.

Our areas of focus include Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility. When we invest in our kids, our health, and our neighbors, we strengthen our communities.

Recent News

Try our Small Group Training for FREE Jan. 29 to Feb. 3.

SGT – Small Group Training Promotional Video

Due to inclement weather, our Family Centers and Early Learning Centers will be opening at 9am on Wednesday, January 17. Please check back here for any further updates.

January 10, 2018: Due to a water main break, the Downtown Springfield YMCA will be without water in the facility beginning at 8:30am on Wednesday, 1/10 for a couple of hours before it is restored. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Downtown Springfield YMCA – Mighty Swim Lessons!

SCANTIC VALLEY YMCA – New Cardio Equipment Coming January 9, 2018!

Due to weather conditions, our YMCA of Greater Springfield Branches and Early Learning Centers will be closed on Thursday, January 4, 2018. – Stay warm and be safe!

It's New Year's Eve and Garry Brown is running out of lame excuses not to be at the Y

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